5 September 2007

What did we decide in the V-Conf on 5.9.2007?

We missed Coochbehar who were out of circuit due to technical reasons. We welcomed Shri Kar as the new DM of Purulia and Shri Chattopadhyay as the new DM of Dakshin Dinajpur.

We decided to have a workshop on Control Tables at Kolkata on 19.9.2007. DMs were requested to nominate ADM(Election) and one other officer. Some districts, it was decided, would give presentations in the workshop on GIS etc. And we called for suggestions on coding/ numbering sub-mouza level habitations.

We also talked of an "Amnestry Scheme" when electors having more than one EPIC would be advised to deposit additional EPICs with the DOs during 14.11.2007 to 3.12.2007.

We decided that one advance copy of electoral roll would be checked by EROs before multiple copies were printed.


CEO's Blog said...

One more thing I forgot to mention: We discussed about the frontpage story in "Bartamaan" and decided to do proper verification of photos before draft publication of rolls.

Anonymous said...

thanx for this blog -- very innovative & helpful -- i had jotted some points of the vc & mailed it to burdwan -- one point discussed was that the EPICs must be compared with the draft roll image & person before delivery by D.O.s during SRER -- especially for scanned images which must be handed over to the elector himself & none else.

Unknown said...

Yes, Malda, that is right. It is mentioned in Election Commission's instructions dt 24.8.2007 - a copy of which is being circulated.
..PS: Could you possibly inform Coochbehar about all that we discussed? Tnx.

Anonymous said...

with due respect the new epic pics are completely sickly. the people who handled it should be more careful. and the size also is very small compared to the previous one. my apologies if its a nuisense comment.