22 September 2007

1.12.2007 to 31.1.2008

PECs (Permanent EPIC Centres) must close (again!) on 31.1.2008, after it opens, as we've discussed earlier, on 1.12.2007.

This is to enable data consolidation with Block-level EPIC campaign from 11.2.2008 to 18.2.2008 and FP list.


Anonymous said...

It is decided in the workshop of 19th that another oppertunity of photography will be provided to the electors who failed to turn up during last phase of photography completed on 16 9 07, during SSR 2008 at the block HQ. Now it is to be decided if these electors turn up at the PEC with pre printed 001B form either for phototaking or scanning whether they are to be entertained or not. In my opinion they are to be entertained.
Yours faithfully
Dipanjan Bhattacharyya
OC Election Murshidabad.

CEO's Blog said...

My advice, Murshidabad, is: take 001B with photo at PEC and hand it over to WTL during 11/2/2007 to 18/2/2007.
Our circular dt 21.9.2007 states that new EPICs cannot be handed over to the electors before FP; so the elector here doesn't really suffer additionally. (If you've not got the circular yet, pl talk to Shri S.Ghosh, Jt CEO-II)