7 September 2007

How to add a new Section in a part?

1. Give it a name
2. Tell SLA (ie WTL)'s Kolkata Office and OSD(IT) in which part/AC it will be added
3. Identify the electors to be included in this new section through manuscript of continuous revision

(Please do step 2 before 15.9.2007)


ajoy said...

I am a Railway executive officer. Probably I was not present in Railway quarter and CEO'S team deleted my EPIC from voter list. I personaly attended commission on 10/2/07 at Saktigarh School but my name is not included in voter list. As a Railway executive officer in construction organisation, I required to be out of Siliguri frequently. as such I can not enquire about this matter regularly. Hence it is requested to include my name with spouse for the EPIC card no WB/03/021/468225 and 468748. Ajoy Kr Deb and Jaba Deb. Ph-94340-47014

CEO's Blog said...

We usually prefer to reply to individual queries through emails. However, the general principle is as follows:
1. To get an EPIC, one's name must be enrolled in the voter list pertaining to the part where one normally resides.
2. To include one's name, one may apply in Form 6/8A between 14.11.2007 and 3.12.2007 to the Designated Officer at the local polling booth.