25 March 2009

PHE Department to Make Water, Sanitation etc arrangements for CPF

For providing logistic arrangements for staying of CPF Companies upon their arrival, the SP provides the first point of contact. As decided by Home Department, for providing water, toilet, sanitation and other facilities, the PHED would do the needful and as such DEOs may inform SPs accordingly. DMs must not spend any election funds (out of 2015 head of account) on arranging logistics of CPF.


Unknown said...


1)There are several cases where flags of political parties are hosted on ropes attached to rooftops of houses(with written permission of owner), the houses being located on opposite side of a public road. Thus, the rope fitted with flags are spanning over a public road at some height from the road. Can this be treated as violation of MCC?
2) Sir, ECI vide instruction no 437/6/2007(INST)-PLN-III dt 12th Nov 2007 has stated that no temporary party campaign office can be set up within 200m of an existing polling station. At the same time, the Model Chklist for Sector Officers (1.2.1) states that sector officers have responsibility to see whether party offices(the word 'temporary' is missing) exist within 200 mts of PS.
Kindly clarify me on these two counts.
ARO Arambagh PC & SDM Arambagh

Unknown said...

There are some polling stations where sufficient number of toilets and drinking water spot source is not available as revealed from Polling Station verification reports. Also, some of the DCRC centres, CPF/ Police force accomodation palces need drinking water and sanitation arrangements. PHE has RWS/ ARWSP funds for spot source of water in schools. TSC funds for school sanitation are also available for construction of toilets. Can we do it after approval of CEO?
Onkar Meena
DM Nadia

Unknown said...

In the context of special drive in connection with fresh inclusion of name at Charjatrasiddhi kindly extend the date of disposal of Forms of 92 Kalyani AC.

CEO's Blog said...

SDO Arambag:
(1) I think we can overlook this at this stage unless there is a complaint
(2) Temporary camps are almost always set up by political parties at 200m away from booths on P-day. They are allowed to use one table, two chairs and a banner of a specific size. Sector officer and police on duty must see that this is indeed 200m away...The second issue is, what if, especially in urban areas, a permanent party office of any political party is located within 200m of a booth. In 2006, the Commission had agreed that in this case, the political party concerned would be requested to keep it closed from P-48 hours...So, sector officer should be advised to check these points.

CEO's Blog said...

DM Nadia:
The answer is:
CEO's approval is not necessary: DEO can do it.

CEO's Blog said...

SDO Kalyani:
We will agree. But please send a proposal through DEO