14 December 2007

Tell All to Take Delivery of Undistributed EPICs

I toured several EPIC correction centres today and discovered that many new-format EPICs are yet to be distributed though many DEOs/EROs have made very good earmarked counters for distributing the new format EPICs.

People are regularly contacting us stating that they had missed taking delivery of their new-format new EPICs from the booths during the period of Claims and Objections and asking for action to be taken now to get their new EPICs.

If we don't deliver the EPICs, we won't know if there are errors. And if there are errors, these should be corrected in the correction centres - preferably by 20.12.2007.

So, please organise publicity urging people to take delivery of the EPICs from EROs/BDOs/DEOs/Spl.Camps - as the case may be.


Anonymous said...

what about the EPICs which were not delivered at booths due to non-return of old EPICs ?
Also, what about the elector who was photographed but now do not get an EPIC from WTL (though he has managed to get an EPIC no. in the roll)?
OC Election, Malda

DEO, Howrah said...

The following points may kindly be clarified -
1)Should we be allowed to distribute all undistributed EPICs (New format)through D.O s when they will sit again at the Booths with FP Rolls w.e.f 18.1.08 to 24.1.08?
2)During EPIC prog. in Feb'08 -should we be allowed to receive Form-8 with 001C from Mis-match Electors?
3)Those who could not avail the opportunity to correct their EPICs(due to non-delivery) during this round of Correction -should they be allowed to correct it during EPIC prog. in Feb'08?
4)What will be the fate of undelivered wrongly printed EPICs?

Krittibas Nayak
O/C Election ,Howrah.

CEO's Blog said...

For Malda:
1. ERO/AERO may take a declaration that he'd lost the old EPIC and then deliver the new one. A brief interrogation may also take place to ascertain that he is telling the truth.
2. If he was photographed recently, this year, we must prevail upon WTL to deliver again.
For Howrah:
1.We're bring out advts tomorrow (18.12.2007). It's best to organise local miking etc and deliver as many EPICs as possible before 20.12.2007...For the rest, YES, it may be distributed through the custodian - but make sure he is trained to understand that scanned EPICs are to be handed only to the person concerned.
3.Will consider later, in Feb.
4.If wrong printing is due to WTL's fault, they are to correct it. After delivery of corrected EPIC, wrong EPIC is to be kept in safe custody until further orders.

Anonymous said...

Following queries re Revision process have come up:
1)some electors who have changed addresses (within the same part) have applied for section changes through Form 8 -- how can this be reflected in the manuscript for necessary correction?
2)Some electors have applied in Form 8A claiming to have shifted from the part where they were found during House visit in July 07-- will these be accepted?

OC, Election, MALDA

CEO's Blog said...

1. This cannot be done now. But please keep a note of such cases - so that new sections can be created before the next draft publication in 2008.
2. Yes, after proper verification.